
Wow classic private server
Wow classic private server

wow classic private server

With all this in mind, the best option would be to choose a server with a healthy population that averages from 2,000-8,000 players. Also, don’t get baited by the population on German/French/Russian speaking servers since you won’t be able to find a group, let alone an English-speaking guild. Since realms with typically less than a thousand players are destined to eventually die, avoiding these realms would be best. Server population is one of the most important factors necessary to consider when choosing your future realm since you don’t want to end up stranded on a dead server with a couple of friends. So, the question is should you join the hype train and roll a character on a fresh server, or should you stick to your old server? Server population 30 are Skyfury (PvP) and Maladath (Normal), the European region can enjoy Thekal (PvP) and Giantstalker (Normal).

wow classic private server

While the North American servers launched with the pre-patch on Aug. Wrath of the Lich King Classic is, by no means, an exception to this rule, with the North American and European regions receiving two realms, respectively. On top of all of this, Classic players have an even harder time when selecting a realm since Blizzard regularly launches fresh realms with every upcoming Classic expansion. So, approaching the realm selection process in WoW with caution would be the best practice.

wow classic private server wow classic private server

While retail players enjoy the cross-realm benefits such as cross-realm auction house, Arena and Mythic+ queues, and guild groups, the Classic players can only play together with the players in the same realm. Although realms like RPPVP realms are slightly less popular in the general WoW community and see a gradual decline over the years, they still have dedicated residents that return with a smile on their faces.Īlthough you’re free to choose a realm to your liking, the popularity of realms can greatly impact your gameplay largely because of the server-wide economy, faction disbalances, and potentially lack of dungeon and raid groups. So, to accommodate all players burning with the desire to prove themselves in Azeroth, Blizzard Entertainment created PvP, PvE, and RPPvP realms that easily meet the needs of different types of players. World of Warcraft is an MMORPG that simply can’t house its large community on one server.

Wow classic private server